On November 15, 2023 Xili Lake Forum opened in Shenzhen University Town International Conference Center. Minister of Science and Technology Yin Hejun, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Li Jiachao, Representative of Chief Executive of Macao Special Administrative Region and Secretary for Economic and Financial Affairs Li Weinong, Mayor of Shenzhen Qin Weizhong, and Assistant Director General of WIPO Andrew Stans delivered speeches.

Yin Hejun, on behalf of the Ministry of Science and Technology, congratulated the convening of the forum. He said that the construction of Xili Lake International Science and Education City and the holding of Xili Lake Forum are important measures for the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Guangdong Province and Shenzhen to implement the central decision-making and deployment, standing at a new starting point, the Ministry of Science and Technology will further strengthen cooperation with Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and effectively play a leading role in supporting scientific and technological innovation in Shenzhen's construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics demonstration zone. To develop the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area into an international centre of science and technology innovation with global influence at a high level, and make new and greater contributions to achieving self-reliance in science and technology at a high level and building a world power in science and technology.

Li Jiachao said that the Xili Lake Forum has promoted the exchange of scientific and creative talents in the Greater Bay Area, reflecting the deep cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong in scientific and technological innovation. The Hong Kong SAR Government will continue to work with Shenzhen and other cities in the Greater Bay Area to promote the construction of major platforms, promote the cross-border flow of innovation factors, accelerate the formation of a concentration of high-end scientific and creative talents, and help the Greater Bay Area become an important innovation base for the country to participate in the development of advanced industries in the world, and contribute to the development of the country into a world power in science and technology.

Li Weinong said that Macao will continue to give full play to its advantages in international exchanges and cooperation with Portuguese-speaking countries and countries jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative, gather global innovation resources, and work with other cities in the Greater Bay Area to promote the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and inject new impetus and make new contributions to the development of the national science and technology industry.

We will promote the deep integration of the innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain, accelerate the construction of an industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence, and make positive contributions to China's building of a strong education, science and technology country and a strong talent country.

Andrew Staines said that the permanent theme of the Lake Xili Forum is in line with the philosophy of the World Intellectual Property Organization. Wipo looks forward to working with all partners in China and around the world to harness the power of IP, innovation and creativity to build a more sustainable world.

At the opening ceremony, seven major achievements including the Spatial Planning Outline of Xili Lake International Science and Education City were also released, and speeches were made by Baidu founder Robin Li, 2015 Turing Award winner Martin Edward Herman, and Piero Scarufi, founder of Silicon Valley Artificial Intelligence Institute.

Under the permanent theme of "Innovation · Sustainable Development", the 2023 Xili Lake Forum takes "Frontier · Change · Connection" as the annual theme, highlighting frontier leadership, innovation and change, central-local collaboration, and Bay Area resonance, inviting experts and scholars in various fields, business representatives and innovative talents, etc. Discuss the development trend of openness and integration, share the achievements of cutting-edge scientific and technological innovation, and share the responsibility and mission of scientific and technological self-reliance.

Gao Shengyuan, Secretary-General of the Municipal government, participated in the event.

Yesterday, the 2023 Xili Lake Forum opened in Shenzhen, and the seven major scientific and technological achievements released have become one of the main highlights of this forum. The seven achievements involve strategic emerging industries such as AI large models, integrated circuits, and flexible electronics, and fully demonstrate the "hard core" strength of Shenzhen's innovation and the fruitful results of high-quality development with a large quantity, high quality, and wide range of fields.

The outline of the weighty plan was released to highlight the characteristics of reform

This year's Xili Lake Forum highlights the characteristics of "change", focuses on institutional opening, and releases weightier documents, showing Shenzhen's vivid practice of innovating institutions and mechanisms, integrating into the global network, and participating in global governance.

In order to speed up the construction of Xili Lake International Science and Education City, at the opening ceremony, the Spatial Planning Outline of Xili Lake International Science and Education City was released, which will take Xili Lake as the ecological heart and form a spatial layout of "one heart, two axes, three districts and six innovation groups" and an ecological pattern of "surrounded by mountains, hugging lakes, embracing rivers and connecting the sea" around key areas. Xili Lake International Science and Education City will be built into a sustainable development of "landscape city, innovation city, living city, wisdom city".

Major scientific and technological infrastructure was launched to support innovation in cutting-edge areas of science and technology

Scientific and technological innovation cannot be achieved without the support of major scientific and technological infrastructure. At the opening ceremony, the major science and technology infrastructure of brain analysis and brain simulation and the major science and technology infrastructure of synthetic biology research were officially launched.

It is understood that after the opening of the two "large facilities" will strongly promote the high-quality development of the brain science industry and synthetic biology industry. Among them, the brain analysis and brain simulation major science and technology infrastructure is the world's first cross-species, cross-scale intelligent life health infrastructure. It will focus on solving the core issues of "neural mechanisms and diagnosis and treatment strategies for the occurrence and intervention of major brain diseases", and provide technical support and platform guarantee for the realization of institutional scientific research and the undertaking of major national scientific research programs.

When the major science and technology infrastructure for synthetic biology research is put into use, it will become the world's first large-scale synthetic biology research infrastructure that integrates software control, hardware integration and synthetic biology applications. In the future, the facility will also be open to academia and industry at home and abroad, providing strong support for national synthetic biology research and economic and social development.

Aiming at the frontier areas such as integrated circuits and other three colleges simultaneously unveiled

In the results release process, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) School of Integrated Circuits, Sun Yat-sen University School of Flexible Electronics, Shenzhen University of Science and Technology (preparation) School of Computing Microelectronics were unveiled at the same time. The reporter noted that the three colleges all belong to the semiconductor field, which also reflects that Shenzhen pays more attention to leading industrial breakthroughs with scientific and technological breakthroughs, enhancing the vitality of the development of the real economy with industrial breakthroughs, and effectively assumes the responsibility and mission of self-reliance in high-level science and technology.

It is understood that the School of Flexible Electronics of Sun Yat-sen University will build a strategic scientific and technological force in the field of flexible electronics, build a frontier technology innovation research and development highland and innovation top talent training base, and contribute to the construction of a world-class university with Chinese characteristics; Focusing on the urgent need for the development of Shenzhen's "20+8" industrial cluster, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) IC College has deep cooperation with leading IC enterprises and first-class scientific research institutions to become a high-end talent bridgehead and a strong engine of scientific and technological innovation to support the high-quality development of Shenzhen's IC industry. Relying on the profound science and education resources, first-class teaching staff and industrial-grade teaching platform of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen University of Technology (SUST) is committed to training first-class integrated circuit chip design talents and becoming the cradle of high-performance chip engineers.

Focus on AI large model innovation ecology to provide Chinese solutions for AI innovation

At present, with the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology and the expansion of application scenarios, the global AI community is starting a "big model war". As a scientific and technological innovation event, this forum focused on AI cutting-edge technology, and launched the advanced version of the general AI large model "Pengcheng · Mind" in the results release link, which was jointly released by Pengcheng Laboratory and China Foreign Language Administration, Huawei and Tencent. The public version will be open source to the whole society, and work with the industry to build an AI large model innovation application ecology based on the "China Computing Power Network", and provide Chinese solutions for global artificial intelligence innovation.

Xili Lake International Science and Education City is an area with the most abundant science and education resources, the highest concentration of high-end talents, the strongest scientific and technological innovation ability, and the highest level of industrial development in Shenzhen, which is of great significance to enhancing Shenzhen's innovation-driven development ability, enhancing the level of regional collaborative innovation, and strengthening Shenzhen's core engine function in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

The "Spatial Planning Outline of Xili Lake International Science and Education City" issued yesterday is a programmed document guiding the construction and development of Xili Lake International Science and Education City, systematically formulating the target positioning, spatial layout, urban style, public services, comprehensive transportation, smart city, safeguard measures and other contents of the city.

In terms of development orientation, Xili Lake International Science and Education City is the core carrier of Shenzhen to support the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area International science and technology innovation center and the high-quality development highland of the socialist pilot demonstration zone with Chinese characteristics, as well as the world's top science and technology innovation highland and the high-level talent gathering area of the Greater Bay Area.

In terms of spatial layout, the total area of Xili Lake International Science and Education City is about 69.8 square kilometers, with the "blue and green" as the base, shaping the ecological pattern of "surrounded by mountains, hugging lakes, embracing rivers and connecting the sea". Strictly adhere to the ecological background, adhere to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, through the planning of the park green space system, the series of Yangtai Mountain, Xili Lake, Dasha River, Shenzhen Bay and other original ecological resources, the integration of natural, cultural and social elements, to form a beautiful lake valley "the ivory tower surrounded by mountains and rivers, blue and green interwoven vitality city".

In terms of innovation drive, Xili Lake International Science and Education City will build a functional layout structure of "one heart, two axes, three districts and six innovation groups". "One heart" refers to the ecological heart centered on Xili Lake, creating a park recreation and leisure system around Xili Lake and constructing a characteristic landscape greenway system. "Two axes" refers to the driving axis of the development of the region by relying on urban roads, rail transit and other transportation corridors; The north-south axis connects Xili Center Innovation Service Area and Shibilong Science and Education Development Area along Shahe West Road, and the east-west axis connects Xili Center Innovation Service Area and University Town Science and Education Promotion Area along Liuxian Avenue. The "three districts" are the University City Science and Education Promotion District, Shibilong Science and Education Development District and Xili Center Innovation Service District. The "six innovation groups" include University Town, Shibilong, Yanqingxi, Baishiling, Liuxian Cave and small town innovation and creativity groups.

The Outline also put forward a guarantee plan for implementation, including accelerating the layout of high-end innovation resources, and introducing world-class universities, well-known international and domestic laboratories and scientific research institutions with high standards. To promote the implementation of major reform, innovation and pilot policies in the institutional mechanisms for higher education, science and technology, international talent development, and innovation and cooperation in the Greater Bay Area; We will accelerate the construction of infrastructure such as Xili Junction and the north extension of Qiaocheng East Road.

"This is a celebration of science."

Xili Lake, talk about innovation. Yesterday, 2023 Xili Lake Forum kicked off in Shenzhen University Town. Under the guidance of the permanent theme of "Innovation · Sustainable development", this forum takes "Frontier · Change · Connection" as the annual keyword. At the event, the world's top scientists, entrepreneurs, venture capital and financial institutions gathered at the bank of Xili Lake to discuss the development trend of openness and integration, cutting-edge scientific and technological innovation achievements, and the responsibility and mission of scientific and technological self-reliance.

Build trusted AI

"The Xili Lake Forum is a great event that pays tribute to science." In his keynote speech on "Public Key Encryption and Cybersecurity - Shaping the Future of Digital Innovation," Turing Award winner Martin Edward Herrmann said, "For the AI technology currently mastered, humans are like a 16-year-old in a high-performance sports car, with rapid growth and risk." We should carry out international cross-field cooperation with a good heart and a scientific spirit, and constantly improve the level of scientific research for the benefit of all mankind."

"Ai is coming, and what preparations do we need to make to adapt to it?" Piero Scarufi, founder of the Silicon Valley Artificial Intelligence Institute, said in his keynote speech on "Technological Breakthroughs and Trusted Artificial Intelligence" that the safety and reliability of artificial intelligence is very important, which requires ensuring its reliability at every step of the development of artificial intelligence systems, ensuring the safety and reliability of technology, and ultimately establishing trusted artificial intelligence.

Follow the road of science and innovation in line with Shenzhen characteristics

From 2021 to 2023, the Xili Lake Forum has been successfully held continuously and achieved good social response, gradually becoming a well-known forum with international influence, fully highlighting the characteristics of the Greater Bay Area, and reflecting the characteristics of integration and innovation.

Zheng Shuquan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of Shenzhen No.1 College, believes that China's science and technology has developed from the pursuit of quantity to the pursuit of quality, and is rapidly entering the third stage of "the pursuit of original major innovation", it is foreseeable that Xili Lake will become the core place for talent and science and technology development in Shenzhen in the future.

Gao Wen, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of Pengcheng Laboratory, said, "Shenzhen is a fertile land for pursuing scientific dreams. In my eyes, Xili Lake International Science and Education City has the attributes and characteristics of pioneering demonstration, open cooperation and internationalization. I believe that more top scientific research forces will converge here in Science and Education City."

"I am deeply impressed by the distinctive characteristics of Shenzhen's scientific and technological innovation, and I believe that we will find a path that suits Shenzhen's characteristics in the construction of international scientific and technological innovation." Said Jiang Changjian, an associate professor at Fudan University's School of International Relations and Public Affairs and a well-known host.

We will intensify efforts to train original and innovative talents

"The University of Macau has set up the UM Institute of Integrated Circuits in the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone." Song Yonghua, President of the University of Macau, said that the university trains high-level innovative talents, high-level talents carry out innovative activities, and then can promote regional industrial and economic development, that is, to deepen the integration of production and education, to promote the city and the region's higher education chain, talent chain, industrial chain, innovation chain organic connection.

Huang Yudong, President of HIT (Shenzhen), said, "As a university, we have always maintained close contact with enterprises to provide a high-quality platform for talent training and scientific and technological achievements transformation. On the one hand, universities should play the leading role of basic disciplines, cultivate original innovative talents, and constantly introduce original achievements; On the other hand, we should also focus on solving technical problems in key engineering areas."

The reporter learned that this forum will also hold 13 parallel forums, including artificial intelligence and International Communication Forum, Communication and network technology Development Forum, Ho Liang Ho Li Foundation Summit Forum, Frontier Medical Science and Technology Innovation Forum, Bay Area Presidents Forum, and X9 University and College Alliance Sports League.